The AfD (Alternative for Germany) is a far-right political party in Germany. Notorious for its radical stance against the European Union and immigration, journalists uncovered in recent years an alarming number of connections to the Russian government. As the representative office of a Russian government institution, the Russian House in Berlin also has connections with members of the AfD. This category gathers articles and material on that topic.
Networks of Influence: The Russian hand in German politics
Osint for Ukraine, Vitsche, 25.10.2023
EXPOSURE OF FSB AGENTS: German MPs help Russian special services
Toronto TV, Youtube, 22.10.2023
Alternative for Russia: How the AfD is systematically turning towards Russia
Correctiv, 19.10.2023
Geheime Nachrichten dokumentieren Moskaukontakte von AfD-Mitarbeiter
Spiegel, 04.08.2023
Wie AfD-Politiker von einem prorussischen Propaganda-Netzwerk profitieren
Correctiv, 23.06.2023
Deutsche Helfer in der Ostukraine. Scheinreferendum, hurra!
T-Online, 27.09.2022
Schlagringe in der Wohnung – Geldstrafe für Leipziger Ex-NPD-Stadtratskandidat
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 22.08.2016